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Epic Mail Day (Volume II) Part D: Baby Jays

There have been no outs recorded in the Orioles/Yankees ALDS game tonight, and I have already turned it off. The game, which by MLB mandate, was scheduled for prime time  was delayed two hours, so the Nationals and Cardinals could be tortured by the brutal midday sun of St. Louis and Bud Selig and the ravenous beast of prime time television can feast off of post-6pm viewers. 

Yes, I am bitter. Deal with it. This is not a Yankee-friendly blog.

So I will update ya'll on my final installment of my COMC order for September-Oktober; Baby Jays Edition!

And getting right into it:

2011 Bowman Topps 100 / 2010 Bowman Chrome

Adeiny! Adeiny grew on me in the waning days of the fiery train-wreck that was the 2012 season. He needs to slow down a bit in his fielding, but it otherwise pretty slick with the leather. I'd love to see the player Adeiny (or Adeinis, if it's still 2010) can grow into, out of that scrawny frame. He's got nice pop for a player with a very low hit tool, and his speed probably won't warrant more than 15 steals per season. However, I can see him projecting to an Omar Vizquel-type shortstop, which is pretty damn good by my standards. $.25 and $.43. 

2011 Topps Chrome Rookie Autograph

Ohh heyyyyyy Kyle. So nice of you to join the post. And you brought a Sharpie with you. How nice. Kyle Drabek was the victim of the fickle ulnar cruciate ligament this season, and injury which I think was bothering him way before he actually went on the DL. However, the brief delay in his career has led to a drastic fall in the prices of his single card, as I grabbed this one for only $2 (and his Sepia's twin for $6.)
2012 Bowman International

I had to super-size my boy JPA. Because the 'A' stands for AMERICA.

PS I am totally in love with this card. $.20
2011 Finest Freshman Refractor

Aww lookit that bright JPA smile. Guess how many shits he gives about hitting .226? About twenty-three hundreds. Which isn't much. This was labeled as an Orange Refractor, but I think it's just a regular one, as I didn't see any other colour variations. $.60
2011 Topps Diamond Anniversary

So sparkly. I am making some serious progress on getting every variation of this card. Between Topps flagship and Chrome, there are probably 20+ of this card, which I will have and will wall-mount. $.49

2011 Chrome Refractor

Aaaand a little bit closer. I love refractors. Got any JPA refractors? Give 'em to me. No reason for me to be shy about it.

2011 Topps Chrome Rookie Autographs Sepia Refractor /99

And back to a huge JPA to end the post. So beautiful. After 2010 Bowman's purple refractors, I thought that the hierarchy of colour-variant refractors was complete. Then in 2011, Topps got all hipsterish and threw down some sepia. And it was glorious. This was actually from eBay. A seller dropped his Buy-it-Now from $22 and change to $15. Easy decision. Definitely a favorite for a top spot in my personal collection power-rankings. So beautiful.    

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