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Nicole Richie's Blog: New House of Harlow 1960 pieces

How fabulous is this? More new House of Harlow 1960 pieces have been revealed.

The new pieces from Nicole Richie's jewelry line have arrived at REVOLVEclothing.com.
I am definitely going to buy the cream leather garter bracelet.

Are you guys going to purchase something from Nicole's new collection?

House of Harlow 1960 medallion locket necklace in silver.

House of Harlow 1960 long chain and black leather corset necklace

House of Harlow 1960 five station necklace in cream/gold leather

House of Harlow 1960 wrap metal and leather bracelet

House of Harlow 1960 red cabochon earrings with black side stones

House of Harlow 1960 cream leather garter bracelet

House of Harlow 1960 crop and glove necklace

SourcE: http://nicolerichiefashion.blogspot.com/

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