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Mercedes L4500A - part 5 (playing around with oils)

Hello dear readers,

It's been more than two months I haven't published anything on my blog. However, these two last months have been really busy and hectic for me. Suddently many many many (too many) things have been going on in my everyday life: holidays are finished, I got promoted at work, our apartment is sold and work in our new (old) house has started (this will probably last one year till everything is finished). This has not left me much time to work further on my models. This week I thus decided to relax a bit and I tackled down the weathering of the Mercedes by using oils. Afterwards, I sprayed a first light layer of dust (Tamiya's flat earth 50% + buff 50%) on the chassis, wheels and mudguards of the truck.

Next step: more dust with the same mix as mentionned above + mud splashes with a mix of pigments, pastel powders, plaster and water.

Maybe I'll see you next sunday in Mol at the KMK 2014 show!


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