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Thursday Helpful Links & Reminders

This will be a brief Thursday post since I'm insanely behind in everything! Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy week. In a good way, for the most part, but color me overwhelmed. Also, I started getting caught up with all your wonderful comments and visiting your blogs, and I will finish today!

Image courtesy of OCAL at clker.com

Okay, some links!

This first one might be of interest to writer bloggers trying to get out there. Ink Pageant is looking for blog posts on writing and publishing.

Jenny Woolf is having a really neat, travel-related giveaway. Go check out the eclectic mix of items she's offering for the giveaway! Tomorrow is the last day for it, so hurry and hop on over.

Chuffed Buff Books is looking for poetry submissions for an anthology with the theme "Journey to Crone." This is a paying market.

Real Women, Real Stories is looking for stories about women's lives for an anthology.

Finally, don't forget the Flash Fiction Contest I'm chairing, with the theme "Are you Devious at Heart?"; the A-to-Z Challenge is still taking sign-ups and is heading toward the 1100's; you can still vote for your favorite A-to-Z video; and the Pikes Peak Writers Conference is still open for those who haven't signed up yet.

Have a wonderful day! I will be visiting everyone who commented this week before the weekend! Sorry for falling so behind.

P.S. My son's field trip was great fun! I learned a lot, and seeing how happy he was when I showed up was just wonderful.

Any helpful links you'd like to share? Planning on entering the Flash Fiction Contest? Signing up for the A-to-Z? Need a little help in getting signed up for either of those or the conference? I'm here to help!

May you find your Muse.

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