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Truth Thursdays

Let's Dive Right in!

1. I may or may not listen to Selena Gomez on pandora. She has some great music. She works wonders for a character I'm writing. (judge on your own time).
2. Apparently when journaling I like to talk about what I ate for dinner (Time & Date stamped)
3. I want to eat at Carl's Jr. (one opened up by my house). I, however, find that if you are waiting 2 hours for a burger you're an idiot (especially with Wendy's and Whataburger wide open - no line). Jokes on the losers.
4. Velveeta shells & cheese make for an awesome lunch. I'm on a new kick... the cheesiness keeps me coming back for more.
5. Twitter hashtags are the devil (because I heart them so much). I'm one who uses them for random thoughts. They are the best. I should dedicate a post only using hashtags.

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